Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Monday, October 30, 2017

teaching vs working with clients

after years of working with clients and giving herbs, supplements, nutrition changes, and giving reiki sessions i ended up just teaching people to heal themselves. think about how much more empowering that is..... to decide for yourself what herbs or nutrition changes you are comfortable with and having that knowledge to help yourself.  same with reiki. my students come to class, learn new skills, give and receive sessions. when you give a session you receive that energy as well, do a lot of healing energy is shared in class πŸŒ€πŸ™πŸΌ

Friday, October 27, 2017

balance and acceptance

libra. balance. balance & acceptance are my mantras during yoga practice this week. πŸ™πŸΌπŸŒ€

throat chakra and the new & old chakra systems

when i give the class for throat chakra, we look at questions like : do you speak too much or too little? do you speak your truth? the 7 chakras that most people are familiar with are actually “the old chakra system”. the newer chakras are not in a nice little line above the head, they are found in many areas in and around the body. we work with opening and stabilizing the new chakra system during the reiki apprenticeship.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

wild rose

wild roses are so beautiful! i use the twigs, leaves and blooms in teas (infusions), as a very gentle relaxing herb. in the fall the rose hips are ready, full of bioflavonoids for vein strength.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

reiki journal and workbook

this is available for download on my website
This workbook is a sacred space to keep track of your reiki practice.
It is in black & white so it can be easily printed out. It is done in a workbook style for you to write in, to help you to remember to use your reiki, give you ideas of other ways to use your reiki, and to help you focus on using reiki daily. The more you use your reiki the more you will heal & the more reiki energy you will channel.
This workbook can be used by anyone studying reiki with any teacher or any type of reiki. Reiki is a tool and a gift that is meant to be used. I have often heard my students say that they forget to use reiki to heal themselves, to heal those around them to manifest what they’d like to bring into their lives, to release what they’d like to let go of.
My purpose in offering this workbook is to give you focus to your reiki practice. And to open up self discovery.
Everyone’s reiki practice & their healing path is unique, reiki will take everyone along a path to their own healing & their own truth.
Symbols: drawing them, what they are for
Advanced symbol work
Experiences with attunements
Healing yourself: setting focused intentions
Venting (rip & burn) pages
setting positive intentions from your venting
Setting goals for personal healing
Chakra work: for including notes from my chakra workshop on my forum, or from taking my reiki classes
Chakra overview medicine wheel
Manifesting pages
Manifesting with crystals pages
Insights from your daily reiki practice
Space for messages from your dreams, guides, ‘coincidences’
Spaces for notes on reiki sessions given & received
Spaces for notes on Distance healing sent
My workshop on Ancestral healing

