Thursday, February 9, 2012


Wild harvesting

Learning to harvest your own weeds and herbs.

This is truly the way to go: fresh wild plants picked locally at their peak  will make the best remedies possible. Local plants will have a far great impact on your healing than herbs ordered in from a supplier, or herbs that are indigenous to another country.

The main problem comes from learning to identify them properly & not confusing a medicinal plant with another plant.

I offer weed walks during my herbalist classes to help my students learn to identify our local medicinal plants. We go out in spring, summer & fall to see the plants in each season.

If you are taking my herbalist course by distance, try to find someone offering a local weed walk.

Here’s some of the easier herbs to identify, although there may be look alikes. if you already have been on an herb walk with someone & feel comfortable identifying the plants, these pictures might help you remember some of the common plants you can harvest.

Dandelion leaves and root, 




Red Clover


wild rose


yellow dock

Cleavers (it is sticky)


more on wild harvesting on an upcoming post.
If you'd like to learn more about medicinal uses of herbs to use on yourself, friend, family, pets, or clients, take my 8 month distance learning herbalist course. Course work is posted on my forum. Much more info on my website. 

Or sign up her for the 8 month herbal, other herbal workshops held online, and reiki & chakra healing workshops:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Just added this section to my reiki forum:

As I always mention to my reiki students, use reiki on yourself for self improvement & self growth. Also this means taking time out of your busy life to give to yourself.

I wanted to use this thread for us to list a few ways in which we honor ourselves. What do you do to keep yourself in balance & to honor your intuitive side. I think that unless we find ways to honor ourselves & work on healing ourselves we will not be able to heal others.

Read more:

New herbal recipes on my forum

I am sharing some of my herbal recipes & other tidbits of herbal information on my herbal forum.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Learning to make vibrations essences: distance workshop on my forum

Vibrational Essences

1.      Vibrational essences work in the same way that homeopathic remedies work. Vibrational essences are based on plants, gems or minerals. Each essence contains the vibration of the plants or other matter that it is made from and that vibration corresponds with particular emotional, physical and spiritual attributes.

2.      Vibrational essences are a form of very subtle healing that work on energy centres of the human body (or animals) balancing and harmonising energy flow. They are effective in removing negative thought patterns, blocked energy, negative emotions and releasing past traumas. Essences are effective in supporting and assisting people to move forward in more positive ways eg, with increased courage, clarity or peace of mind.

3.      Vibrational essences have subtle healing properties that restore balance on all levels of being: physical, emotional, mental & spiritual. They can be used to enhance personal development & are a powerful aid to transformation. They can help us to overcome old behavior problems & negative states of mind that may contribute to or cause disease, emotional imbalance & spiritual disharmony. Flower essences stimulate the body’s ability to heal by restoring balance to chakras & energy fields, releasing old thought patterns & emotions.

4.      Because Vibrational Essences work on a vibrational & energetic level they work well in between reiki sessions.

5.      To select remedies that are most useful to you at this time, read the descriptions about each essence & choose the ones that address key emotional, physical & psychological issues you are experiencing. Often intuition lead you to choose a particular essence. As many essences as you need can be combined in one formula.

6.      Essences are safe for humans & pets, & have no taste, and can be used with while using other medications or remedies.

I am going to offer a workshop on my forum on making vibrational essences, and learning to meditate on a plant & connect on a spiritual level to gain information on what an essence may be for. Please register on the forum for this & other workshops.

There is a section in my forum to get on my waiting list for this online course.