Friday, October 6, 2017

Apprenticeship: Streaming the Living Light of Seichim

We are beginning a new section of the apprenticeship in mid October.
October 15 & 29.
It will be 2 Sundays a month, 11 am. To 2
(a big longer if extra students join in)
Prerequisite: level 1 reiki

I love doing Seichim energy work. And anyone who takes my
classes finds they can enter into the space of reiki studio &
just drop whatever burdens they are carrying, whatever stresses
 from daily life and during the class meditations, discussions,
attunements & sessions, just feel rejuvenated & relaxed.
Possibly to the point of feeling like jello.... which is a good thing!

I'm looking into the possibility of doing some classes by distance,
maybe on a closed facebook group with some videos & 
discussions for weekly work. I've been asked about this for a
long time from people who don't live on Vancouver Island.
If you are interested let me know and we can get a group started.

For the first 8 classes we will be immersing ourselves in the
 Living Light of Seichim. An energy work system that comes from
Egypt. The best thing about this type of energy work for
 me anyway, is that it is constantly changing. It is not a
fixed set of energies.  So it never gets old, each time you
experience Seichim you align with the new energies streaming
their living light to earth.

I will introduce 14 symbols for you to use. We will do some
 meditations, that I channeled from my guides several months ago:
working with blue orbs, nested grids of light, and
manifesting vastness in your energy field. yay!

I am introducing a new way to hear the guidance of your guides,
we will work with this in all the classes, in order to prepare for the
deeper shamanic work in 3rd section of the apprenticeship: Light Journeys.

You will learn the Seichim session format, which is both
very open to your own intuition and also has a set format. It will
allow everyone to develop their reiki style of channeling the energy.

Seichim opens your energy field upwards to receive stronger
energies from the cosmos, and at the same time grounds you
down into Gaia. It gives a lot of balance & higher vibrations
 at the same time. Seichim also knits together your energy field &
rebalances the chakra system as a whole.

After the 8 seichim classes, we will do 4 Shambhala classes,
learning those symbols as well, and working with those energies.

Commitment: if you'd like to join in, I need a commitment for you to
 attend at least 90% of the time, to honor the amount of time &
energy I put into my classes.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

What is reiki? What is BEYOND Reiki ... heheh....

What is reiki ?

reiki is easy to learn

reiki is easy to channel from getting an attunement

reiki is easy to do

reiki is always with you

reiki is empowering for healing yourself

reiki is for healing others

reiki is for healing your pets

reiki is for sending distance healing

reiki is for healing your past, present and future

reiki is all about personal growth


heheh..... That's what my students call it. When we work through the
apprenticeship we definitely move 
BEYOND REIKI, into sacred geometry, some shamanic type work,
deeper into intuitive skills & connecting with guides &
teachers & their wisdom.   Once my students are thoroughly
grounded in
the basic levels of reiki, its time to safely move beyond,
and really reconnect with higher vibrations
that are around us. This next apprenticeship section
 Streaming the Living Light of Seichim will
begin to open this up for you.
web of life

Becoming a reiki master

I have to question the validity of offering 3 levels of reiki, that’s just 3 classes, to become a reiki master. That’s just 3 attunements. That’s maybe just 3 sessions you’ve given under instruction.
If each level is an 8 hour class, a person has taken 24 hours of instruction, and maybe some practicum experience and is a reiki master.
My levels of reiki, levels 1,2, &3 are 3 hours each. This is plenty of time to understand the course material without being overwhelmed by too much detail or detail you don’t even need.
I ask my students to also work through the apprenticeship before taking master level. That is up to 33 classes of about 3 hours per class. So that’s about 100 hours. 
By the time you are ready for master level you’ve had 
  • 3 levels @ 3+ hours each = 10 hours
  • 33 classes @ 3+ hours each = 100 hours
Thats 110 hours of class time.
Thats 36 sessions you’ve done on each student in class. So maybe 72 sessions
That’s 36 sessions you have received to do your own self healing.
That’s an attunement EACH time 36 attunements.
Then we move into master level, which is a 4 day course of about 4 hours per day.
mirrored picture of tree bark
opening to plant spirits

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Healing leaky gut

My current herbals students are just finishing off the last couple lessons of the course.  our most recent herb class was on ROOT CAUSES of health issues, especially addressing leaky gut, liver and bowel toxicity. 

i’ve had first hand experience with healing leaky gut with my herb course students. diet changes, digestive enzymes and supplements and herbs .  one of the root causes for health issues is eating foods we are allergic to. 

as an example, who would guessed that skin issues such as itchy breakouts or eczema could be from the foods you eat, and leaky gut. you can put all the creams you want on the skin, but you need to heal it from the inside. 

a great place to begin is to use digestive enzymes at each meal, and stop eating wheat and dairy completely. this just touches the surface, but should bring some results. 

lesson 7 in the herb course is about toxicity, bowel health, digestive health. how to get to the root cause and fix many health issues

my next herbalist course begins in March.