Thursday, May 27, 2010


Slice the spine out of the kale, & keep the leaves in big pieces that will still fit in your food dehydrator.

Put the leaves in a big bowl.

In the magic bullet, grind up:

sesame seeds
pumpkin seeds
nutritional yeast
some himalayan salt

Then add:
a chunk of onion
lemon juice
a bit of olive oil

Grind this all up, it should be a fairly thick paste.

Toss it with the kale leaves until they are evenly coated. If the seasoning mixture is too thick, add a bit of water.

I line my food dehydrator trays with parchment paper (not a fan of the plastic liners), and cut a whole in the center, sometimes I cut some wedge shaped sliced out of the outside edges, so the warm air can circulate more easily.

Dehydrate your seasoned kale until its crispy.

This is the best dehydrated crunchy thing I've tasted in ages.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Harvesting Sage

Driving through Osoyoos this weekend, I was finally able to replenish my supplies of sage.
Big Sagebrush
Artemesia tridentata
is my favorite to use for saging my house & the
reiki room.

This plant grows in with sage, it is a little larger, but looks very similar to sage . It is
Antelope Bush
Purshia tridentata
Doesn't smell as good as the sage for sure.

This last plant is Wild Blue Flax.
Linum perrenne ssp.
It was in bloom in the interior, so I brought a plant back to try in my herb garden.