Monday, July 9, 2012

Signs of candida overgrowth in the body, part 2

Antifungals should be used for a few weeks, then switch to probiotics for a few weeks, repeat this over a period of 3 months. A good antifungal tincture includes olive leaf, black walnut, and pau d’arco. Oil of Oregano can be used separately. Probiotics can be used as a supplement, get the refrigerated kind at your health food store, and follow the directions on the label.

The best probiotic supplement I have found is BioK. It usually comes in a box of 6 more in the refrigerated section of a health food store. It costs a lot more than bottles of capsules and works waaaaaaaaaaaay better. And no, eating yogurt won’t work.
During my distance learning herbalist course, we make formulas for lowering candida in the body. 

When candida levels are lower you can have:

  • ·        Clearer thinking & better memory

  • ·        You can begin to eliminate:

o   Fungal skin problems
o   Vaginal yeast infections
o   Digestive problems: bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation
o   Emotional problems: anxiety, irritability
o   Problems related to allergies: wheezing, sneezing, sinus problems

I have seen candida cleanses work with many people, although I think it is necessary to have the herbs & probiotics on hand & take them several times a year.

Watching what you eat is the key. Sugar feeds candida, and often as you begin to cut out sugars & the candida starts to die, you get cravings for sugar! As we’ll discuss in the herbalist course bitter herbs can help with this for many reasons.

Depending on how bad your candida levels are, and how quickly you want to clear it up, you can get on a candida diet, which basically involves eating foods that do not feed candida. You can still have some success by just taking the herbs & probiotics.

During the herbalist course we discuss how to discover which herbs are best for your body energy, so in this way you will be using the right herbs for your body.