Saturday, June 19, 2010

Raw cracker sandwiches

I've been experimenting with some different raw foods. I needed some new flavors & textures in my diet.

I had made raw crackers quite a few months ago, but quickly lost a taste for them. So those all became dog biscuits, and the dogs definitely were not complaining about that.

Anyway, I suddenly got the urge to have some sort of raw sandwich or raw pizza.

Used some juicer pulp, it was mostly carrot, celery, cumber & a ton of greens from my garden: kale, chard, dandelion, cleavers, parsley. Mixed the pulp in the food processor with whole flax, Bragg, lemon juice & nutritional yeast, put it in the dehydrator on wax paper, & let it dry overnight.

Last night I had a large piece of the raw cracker with refried bean paste (I still eat some non raw stuff), sliced onion, sliced tomato, olive oil & a bunch of chopped garlic. Great little mexican pizza!

Today I had the same raw cracker base with squished avocado, sliced onion, a mountain of sprouts, tomato slices, himalayan salt & pepper. mmmmm....

I am growing lots of kale, chard, lettuce & parsley mostly for juicing. I usually pick a big handful of dandelion & cleaves & plantain & juice that too. Just remember to go easy on the juiced raw green, especially the wild leaves, let your body get used to it. Start off with just 1 or 2 leaves.

More hummingbirds

The first one is the mama hummingbird sitting on the edge of the nest.
Next ones are of the 2 babies.