Friday, June 17, 2011

Another great video especially for my reiki students


Dr Joe Dispenza - How to evolve our brain to experiment a new reality?


Stepping in the unknown

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The power of consciousness

here's a link to a great Bruce Lipton video (50 min). It describes so much of what we are doing with our reiki energy & with manifesting.


For those of us who eat raw food 100% or even 80%, we can get away with eating foods that are full of calories & extra fat. Bear in mind we eat a good portion of our diet as fresh greens. So while this is a healthier alternative to desserts with sugar & flour, and this contains live enzymes, it is still a food that is dense, full of calories & fat.

I will most often have a liter of fresh fruit & veggie juice or a shake with a 1/2 lb. of fresh leafy greens, some apples & a salad and that's my food for the day. Once every few weeks I have a piece of something like these brownies.

1 cup nuts (get raw, unroasted, unsalted nuts) pecans or walnuts are best for this, soak them for 1-4 hours & then drain them, toss this soaking water

Put them in a food processor with:

1/2 cut pitted dates (the food processor has quite a problem when you accidently grab the container of dates with pits still in)

1/2 cup dried apricots (you could soak these & the dates in some water for a while too, but drain the water off & set it aside)

1/2 cup cocoa powder

Blend this all together, add it a little of the apricot soaking water if needed  to get it to all stick together

I put this on a plate that has a pile of dried coconut on it, and press it into a big circle, turning it over a few times, so it has coconut on the outside. I store it in the fridge. If you get crazy & add lots more cocoa powder you will be awake for days -- good for driving on road trips, not so food for when you want to sleep at night!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Stop eating wheat !!

I wanted to post a little something about eating wheat. Since I no longer work with clients I just thought I would mention this, so if it seems to ring true for anyone they can research it themselves.

It just seems to me that so many health conditions are related to wheat allergy or gluten intollerance. 

One of the symptoms I am noticing my students is anxiety & other emotional symptoms from eating wheat or other grains with gluten in them.

Other symptoms could be joint pain, bloating, mood swings, depression, diarrhea, eczema, skin rashes, bowel problems, tiredness, allergies (sneezing). You can keep addressing this health issues, but they will keep coming back until you find the root cause, which might very well be a food allergy such as wheat intolerance.

I think it would be smart for everyone out there to quit eating wheat for a month & see if it brings about changes in their health. 

Its pretty easy to research online what foods have wheat, or what foods have gluten is just cutting out the wheat doesn't help.

There are lots of gluten free foods out there now if you want substitutes for crackers, breads, pasta, etc. And they all taste good. Since almost every grocery store is now carrying a lot of gluten free foods, there must be a lot of people realizing that their health problems are a result of eating wheat.

I just try to share some information with people, so they can make a choice to research it & have the motivation to make some changes themselves. If you are empowered to do your own healing you are more likely to have results because you will do the work & stick with it.