personal growth
personal growth
- Chakra work
- Stones & crystals
- Herbs
- reiki
I am going to continue to offer this course several times a year. Myself & my students are finding this course very powerful in terms of healing, clearing & moving on.
This course is more than what it seems in terms of healing on a deep level. You will be working in a very focused way on clearing & balancing one chakra at a time. You will be coming to class once a month.
You will be receiving a reiki attunement and a session each month. You will have received journal work for the upcoming chakra to work on during the month before the next class, so you will be doing the clearing before we actually do the class ! Doing the journal work in this way gives you time to work on focusing on one particular chakra for a whole month & let things come up for you as they may.
‘Clearing’ with reiki comes in many guises. Remember that suddenly not being able to come to class for any reason should be looked at more deeply. Is this a chakra that you really need to be focusing on? Are you anxious about issues with this chakra, are you resistant even on a subconscious level to letting go of energies tangled in & around this chakra? And all of this is fine, we all clear, heal & grow as we are ready & in ways that we are ready to use.
Very briefly:
Physical clearing can involve imbalance returning to weak spots: headaches, colds & flu, aching joints
Emotional clearing can involve letting go of old habits & behaviours that no longer serve us, releasing old & stuck patterns, & traumas
Remember to understand that when you clear, you make room for higher light vibrations. You are letting go of lower densities of vibrations.
As you become more comfortable with clearing which allows us to learn & grow, you can see through these guises for what they are. You can let go, receive more reiki healing & move on.
As you move on you bring in higher vibrations which reflects in your life as
- · Ease in manifesting what you desire
- · Ability to offer healing & serve others this way
- · Feeling whole & balanced physically, emotionally & spiritually
While all of this is an ongoing process, initially clearing usually is quite powerful, and any further clearing does not carry the same impact. We often let go in layers.
During the class we discuss the aspects of the chakra homework that we are comfortable talking about. We use the journal writing you have done to discuss as a group ways to move on, it also sets intention for the healing to be done during your reiki session.
I think it is the combination of using personal journal work, healing stones, herbal tea, and vibrational essences along with the reiki attunement & a reiki session that makes this course so powerful.
When working in groups we multiply the amount of energy in the room and the amount of healing that can be done. It is way more powerful to work as a group with a common purpose for bringing healing & balance to the body as a whole, and specifically to the chakra we are working on. It is really special to be able to get together with like minded people once a month to share ideas & healing & energy.
Energetically we are in a very powerful time where we can choose to align ourselves with the ever increasing energies coming to this planet & heal ourselves & fill ourselves with high vibrational energies. I am finding that I am rewriting courses that seemed to be so new & up to date just a few months ago, but as the vibrations change so must the classes!
I have totally rewritten & changed this course as of this month, it will now be 10 classes, the first one being reiki level 1. If you already have your reiki 1 or more than that, you can begin with the 2nd class.
We will have 1 class for each of the major chakras, so that is 7 more classes. The other classes are intro to the chakras, with an overall look at the energetic body as a whole, determining the size, spin & shape of each chakra. And the last class ties it all together & looks at the upper chakras, beyond the crown.