This is a reponse I wrote to a raw food question asked to me on my forum. The question was: "I know that gradually your body asked to you start eating raw, and I feel like mine's doing the same thing, but the more I crave eating in a fashion that raises my energetic vibration, the more I feel emotionally drawn to heavy carbs and sugars. Do you have any suggestions for me?"
The cravings throw you all over the place! It is because your body has not woken up to what it truly needs. You can crave sugar (carbs) when you require bitters, or crave carbs when you need a protein such as hemp hearts or avocado.
There's some info on my website about raw. There's tons on the internet, and great books out there. Chapters in town here has some great raw books.
I'd say the main thing is to ADD raw stuff to your existing diet. Let the foods you don't need fall away naturally. Don't deny yourself. In my opinion the worst thing you can do is yo yo between raw foods & conventional diet. That's why I say, to add the raw & let the other stuff naturally fall away.
I am doing a lighter way of eating right now, and when I get into that zone its amazing what happens to your senses. Most of us feel that the bread section in the grocery store smells great. I wonder if that is because most of us have candida & so our bodies crave the carbs, sugar & yeast to feed the candida? I walked past the bread section yesterday & had to cover my nose with my scarf!
So yeah, the cravings go away on their own.
Figure out what to add that is raw. That way you fill yourself up on the nutritious raw foods and you feel satisfied. If you want to eat something else do it, but be aware of how you feel from eating it.
Think of the raw foods you love: what fruits & veggies do you love? Learn how to incorporate nut & make your own carb type foods like the crackers & cookies that are raw. These help too.
Part of it all, is that we are emotionally attached to foods we don’t need, and we are full of toxins. As these begin to let go you will find certain foods no longer hold an interest.
Later on in this adventure you get a craving out of the blue & you can think about it for a few days & figure out what your body is asking for & make a raw version of it. Or just eat that food & see how your body reacts.
I have been on my raw journey for 3 years. First the seafood items dropped away, then the carbs, then other things. After 1 and half years I craved pizza, thought about it for 3 days and decided I wanted some. So..... at 3 big slices loaded with cheese, it was fabulous. However..... the next day the wheat in the crust gave me an anxiety attack that lasted for days. Definitely not worth it. For the next few months if I even thought about eating something with wheat in it, I thought about what eating wheat did to me, and knew it wasn’t worth it at all.
I wrote an article on my website, about Raw Foods: Social Aspects & Cheating. Its under Articles on the toolbar.
• So let your body & emotions guide you. Be conscious & mindful of what you ingest & how you feel.
• Add appealing raw foods to your diet.
• Cleansing herbs help. Cleanse out toxins.
• Reiki attunements help. Also set intentions & use your reiki to manifest healthy eating patterns.
• Let the unhealthy foods fall away.