There are several ways to get around this as much as possible: rain collecting & cleaning systems can go on your roof, buy or distill water (then add stuff to it - such as a few drops of sole made from Himalayan Salt), or just get a water filter & know you are doing the best you can. Well water is an option, although it needs to be tested.
I just a double water filter system, it goes through a ceramic filter & a regular filter. Even when there have been warnings to boil our drinking water, ours has been find just filtered.
I'd say the absolute best drinking water is from a spring. This water comes from under the ground, it tastes amazing & also helps to raise our vibrational levels (for those of us reiki people, who think abou that all the time). Spring water is alive with energy & tastes completely different than tap water. I collect spring water when possible & put it in large glass carboys for storing.
The biggest cause of DNA malfunction (and therefore increasing risk of cancer) is dehydration.
Keep in mind that as we age our thirst sensation may not alert us that we are dehydrating. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day, even if you don’t feel you need it. Put it in a big container (as described below) and make sure you consume all of it. You may notice if you rehydrate the body you will begin to feel thirstier.
I was drinking 5 liters of veg & fruit juice during a cleanse & got dehydrated, so remember, it needs to be water.
Water in plastic bottles that has been exposed to fluorescent lighting is toxic to us.
Many bottled waters with names that include words such as "mountain," "spring" and "crystal clear" are actually tap water that has been filtered through a very simple (and inadequate) filtration system to remove enough chlorine so that it tastes better. (Since you can't taste, see or smell most contaminants, they know you can't tell the difference.)
Water that sits, or is bottled or boiled is stagnant, and begins to deteriorate. Chemicals added to drinking water are bad for our health. Including flouride.
Remember, naturally we’d be getting our drinking water from rivers which have movement, the water has energy, it is charged. When water sits it stagnates.
The subtle qualities of water affect us physically, mentally, emotionally, & spiritually. It affects our energy bodies, our energy field.
Water carries frequencies of vibration, our bodies are made up of so much water, we respond easily & quickly when we ingest fluids.
To charge your drinking water & give it a life pattern, pour it into a glass container, colored glass will give it the energy of that color especially as it corresponds to the chakras
It is important to imprint good energy on your water.
Masaru Emoto
is a Japanese author known for his claim that if human speech or thoughts are directed at water droplets before they are frozen, images of the resulting water crystals will be beautiful or ugly depending upon whether the words or thoughts were positive or negative. Emoto claims this can be achieved through prayer, music or by attaching written words to a container of water.
Since 1999 Emoto has published several volumes of a work titled Messages from Water, which contains photographs of water crystals next to essays and "words of intent."
It is important to realize that with the use of vibrational essences you are creating a very high vibration. You have created an imprint of the plant’s energy in the water.
Homeopathic remedies work on the physical body & acupuncture meridian.
Gem elixers go one step further to work a little further out in the energy field as well as on the physical body.
Flower essences are the highest vibration of remedies. They work on all levels of the energy field, out to the spiritual level.
You can put a bit of lemon or lime into your water.
Put whole fresh herbs into it: dandelion, yarrow, cleavers, hawthorn, nettles, etc. this won’t be like an infusion, it gives the energy of the herb
Put your jar in moonlight or sunlight to bring that energy into it
Swirl it to energize it in a vortex of energy. Some of the work we do in reiki (seichim) involves use of vortexes of energy. It makes sense to energize our water this way as well.
Bless your water, put your hands on it, send reiki, intentions for healing. This will release any leftover toxic imprinting in the water. It also makes you aware of what you are ingesting.
Put crystals in or around your water, with intentions set into those as well.
If you'd like to learn more about medicinal uses of herbs to use on yourself, friend, family, pets, or clients, take my 8 month distance learning herbalist course. Course work is posted on my forum. Much more info on my website.
Or sign up her for the 8 month herbal, other herbal workshops held online, and reiki & chakra healing workshops: