Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Reiki and the Attunement Experience, part 1

When you take your first reiki class, and receive your first attunement, it is truly a step into the unknown. You may have no clue what 'attunement' means, or may have read a bit about it & understand that it is a sacred ceremony where a reiki teacher passes on the ability to channel reiki energy to the student.

I give 2 attunements with my Level 1 reiki class. Mostly because I noticed that my students open up to the attunement more with the second one. With the first one they dont' know what to expect, and sometimes don't open up to it as much.

In class, I do explain beforehand what an attunement is, and what your role will be (it is very passive, you just need to keep your hands in prayer position, then be ready for me to guide your hands to the top of your crown chakra & back down again).

The experience itself can be quite profound, or really not feel like anything at all. Some of students receive their attunement & just get up say "ok what's next". Most, however, do feel a shift, and I encourage them to channel energy on themselves & sit in meditation for a while afterwards to get the energy flowing. They often experience a feeling of higher vibration in their energy field right away. Anything from feeling light headed to dizzy.

Some students have cried during an attunement, because they felt so moved & so back in their body, like something had been missing a long time & was now a part of them again.

Some see colors, or can suddenly see auras. Some receive messages from their guides.

And with some it takes a few minutes or a few days to kind of soak in, then they feel the energy with increasing strength.

Once I had given many attunements I realized they were taking on a different quality for me personally. Every time a teacher gives an attunement, they receive one. Just like when you give a reiki session, you also receive one as the energy moves through you. I noticed that giving more & more attunements were causing more & more beneficial shifts both physically & emotionally for me. And I started wondering what effect this would have on my students.

I researched this, and sure enough some reiki teachers out there do give additional attunements. In Japan they apparently give one attunement per month.

Additional attunements definitely increase the energy you channel & really bring about shifts of change.

During Reiki Retreats that I offer once a month, I give my students 2 attunements of a level they've already had. We really just can't say enough about how much this helped all of us. And we've had some amazing experiences, of spirit guides coming in, amazing healing colors, total shifts of consiousness, sudden clearing, huge bursts of creativity........

This has become a regular part of what I offer my students if they want to take part. We also give sessions during Retreats which is a wonderful way to receive healing, having 2 or 3 or even 4 other people work on you at once.

As I mentioned in My Reiki Journey, getting reiki attunements begins a 3 week physical, emotional & spiritual cleanse. Here is some information on what you might experience.

Post Attunement "Aura & Chakra Cleansing" : a time of accelerated personal healing

Once attuned to Reiki, you are connected permanently, to the universal energy and its source. From this moment forward, your own healing process begins. You will be channeling reiki energy on yourself daily, which accelerates your healing process.

During an attunement, & for the next 3 weeks, and beyond that as well, your aura & chakras clear & release denser energies & become capable of holding higher frequencies of light for longer periods of time.

The first 21 days after an attunement is known as the 21-day cleansing cycle. During the next 21 days, the energy works through one chakra each day starting at the root and ending at the crown. It flows through the chakras three times, over the course of three weeks, each time working to release any blockages, open the chakras and energy pathways, and cleanse your aura of dense & tangled energies. These dense energies will be cleared on a physical, emotional & spiritual level, allowing higher energies to then fill the energy field, these energies keep our vibrational level higher.

During this 21 day cycle much healing takes place. You may feel as if a whole layer of “stuff” has let go from your body & energy field & begin to feel more balanced as tension, illness, pain, stress, negativity & old emotions, issues, behaviors & tendencies let go. Getting rid of your old stuff allows you to become a stronger & cleared channel for the energies of reiki. Reiki helps us to accept ourselves with true compassion, and to accept all of our experiences and actions as part of who we are & what is meant to be on our life’s path. As we use reiki on ourselves daily, we begin to trust in life, hear the guidance we are meant to hear & trust in that guidance.

Reiki Level 1 can be more of a physical purification. Reiki Level 2 can be more of an emotional & mental purification. And Reiki Master Level can be more of a spiritual purification, giving clarity on your life’s path, & feeling of peace & wholeness.

more on this on my next posting