Monday, August 13, 2012


How to make RAW Yam chips:

I thinly sliced a yam on the mandolin

Placed the pieces on the food dehydrator tray

Sprinkled them with a bit of Herbamare & some nutritional yeast

I let the slices sit for a while, the salt draws out some moisture
which them makes the yeast stick to the yam slices.

Dehyrate all day & keep pulling the tray out & snacking on them!

The trick with the yam chips in humid weather is to eat them right
away. I turn the dehydrator off overnight & they are not crispy any
more, so I turn it back on the next day & eat them right from the tray.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

2012 Distance Learning Herbalist Course

This year's Herbalist Course is going to be distance learning, self paced. It begins in early Oct, so I need to know very soon if you are interested in taking it.

My website has full info