email me to sign up for the reiki distance learning forum. $10 per month, payment accepted through Paypal.
JANUARY REIKI OFFERINGS, included in your monthly fee
1. Energetic Hygiene Workshop
Your body as a spiritual habitat & psychic protection.
I know that some of us are having issues with some sorts of attachments, or at the very least unhealthy cords or stagnant aura.
We’ll discuss ways to keep your energy field clear.
We will do an exercise to clear your energy field in 3 ways.
We’ll do the cord clearing again, but slightly differently that it was done last month.
We’ll discuss stones to use to keep your energy field protected or cleared use stones to clear the aura during your session.
2. Root Chakra
We'll do a bit of the root chakra work that I teach in my Personal Healing Course. Discuss issues related to root chakra, some journal work, reiki work to do on your own, stones you could use for clearing the root chakra.
3. Distance Healing as a group
I will discuss how to set up some crystals or visualizations for doing distance healing & we can send distance healing as a group.
I will post #1 and #2 about 2 weeks apart. I would like for us all to do a lot of discussion on the forum about our experiences related to the Energetic Hygiene & the Root Chakra, and of course, anything else to do with reiki.
At the end of January, this section will be locked. Only those who paid for January will still have access to it. I will open a separate section for February.
FEBRUARY REIKI OFFERINGS, included in your monthly fee
1.Ancestral Healing
We talk about this briefly in my level 2 Usui classes, but I’d like to look more deeply at repeated patterns that we are holding & reliving from our ancestral lineage, we can do a discussion of this, I have some notes – food for thought, journal work on specific things that need to be healing or cleared & clearing with group energy that will go back to heal our ancestral lineage.
2. Sacral Chakra
We'll do a bit of the sacral chakra work that I teach in my Personal Healing Course. Discuss issues related to root chakra, some journal work, reiki work to do on your own, stones you could use for clearing the root chakra.
3. Distance Healing as a group
I will discuss how to set up some crystals or visualizations for doing distance healing & we can send distance healing as a group.
I will post #1 and #2 about 2 weeks apart. I would like for us all to do a lot of discussion on the forum about our experiences related to the Energetic Hygiene & the Sacral Chakra, and of course, anything else to do with reiki.
Each month you can expect something along these lines, I will post them ahead of time. I am offering my guidance for $10 per month at this time while the forum gets going. After we have a fair number of students I will most likely increase the price, but on a sliding scale, so you can pay what you can afford. I am thinking $10-$25 per month.