Thursday, February 16, 2012

Herbs for eye infection

Eye infection:

My dog, Paco had an infected eye, and after wiping it down with herbs a few times daily AND washing my hands after, it passed into one of my eyes.

Both of us took herbs internally to clear up infection as well as using these infusions externally. Also used internally: juiced garlic, dr. Schulze vinegar formula with Echinacea 3 droppersfull 3 times a day, extra vit.c. continued with this for several days after it cleared up. Comfrey & rasp. Leaf tea internally.

Eyebright infusion made fresh daily : worked ok, but the infection remained in Paco’s eye.

Tried fresh chickweed & Echinacea, every ½ hour. Worked ok, but my eyes were super itchy. I think it was just too drying. It seemed to just hold the infection at bay without healing it.

Comfrey root infusion worked really well, it feels very soothing, it is thick with mucilage, so hard to see for a while, since you are looking through a haze of mucilage. Comfrey clears up itching & dryness. Used it on a broken blood vessel in the eye, And also cranesbill, but it was very drying – did clear up a blood spot though.

Then I made a decoction of barberry which grows everywhere here on the coast, Echinacea, marshmallow & raspberry leaf. I used it every 15 min or so, I had tons of green goo in my eye. And at night, also left the cotton ball (very wet) on my eye for 45 min. This was strong, the Echinacea & marshmallow probably stopped the itching. It was no longer gooey the next day, I still used it once an hour. It was mostly cleared up the day after that.

I also discovered as I went along with this for many days, I got tired of making fresh infusions. So I used tinctures & diluted them very heavily until they didn't sting my eye, and that works well too.

If you'd like to learn more about medicinal uses of herbs to use on yourself, friend, family, pets, or clients, take my 8 month distance learning herbalist course. Course work is posted on my forum. Much more info on my website. 

Or sign up her for the 8 month herbal, other herbal workshops held online, and reiki & chakra healing workshops:

    Monday, February 13, 2012

    9 Week Chakra Healing & Balancing Course

    A 9 week Chakra Healing & Balancing Course begins on my forum this week.

    Anyone with level 1 reiki can join in.

    The cost is $50 for the entire 9 lesson course, payable through paypal. Get on my forum

    to get an account & then message me, or leave a reply in the Chakra course section.

    Or email me at:

    I will be covering all 7 major chakras, the upper chakras beyond the crown, and an overview of chakras & healing techniques. We will be using a journal & reiki, crystals & stones if you have them.

    The course manual is approximately 30 pages, and covers all information & journal work needed. Lessons will be posted once a week.

    Healing & balancing your chakras is a big step in personal growth  & healing energetically, physically & emotionally.