Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Acid Alkaline Balance, part 2

To alkalize the body, and get acidity out of the body (and your joints--causing joint pain, gout, arthritic pain)

You should eat 75-80% alkaline foods and a of 20-25% acid forming foods.

 Cut back on, or eliminate:

  • meat
  • dairy 
  • coffee
  • sugar
  • sodas  
  • alcohol

Its really not as terrifying as it sounds. Start with one item on list, such as meat. Stop eating red meat, switch to other meats that appeal to you that are somewhat healthier: such as chicken or fish.

With dairy, you might choose to start with cutting out drinking milk, then cut back on cheese (ouch, that's hard one). Try yogurt, it at least has some probiotics in it that makes it easier to digest. Its ok to start with flavored yogurts if that's only way to do it. Then if you want to take a big leap, try rice milk or coconut milk. (not soy please - its hard to digest, not the best choice).

As cut back on a few things, add more nutritious foods. Add ones that appeal to you, you don't need to be hating what you eat!

Use some supplements:

1. Take a full spectrum digestive enzyme
2. Use a greens product, spirulina or cholorphyll, or Greens+ or something similar to that
3. Use trace minerals in liquid form such as Himalayan Crystal salt sole
4. Instead of regular salt use an alkalizing product such as Himalayan Crystal Salts
5. Detoxify the body: I offer online workshops on this on my forum
6. Use Alfalfa tablets 6 - 9 per day for several months, then cut back to 3 per day. These do an amazing job at getting acidity out of the body.
7. Calcium, magnesium supplement.
8. Instead of ascorbic acid, choose a Vitamin C supplement that alkalizes such as calcium ascorbate.

As your body even gets a hint of feeling cleaner & is becoming less acidic you will find you just naturally begin to let go of foods that were contributing to your health problems & you begin to want healthier foods. If you suddenly switch back to old habits, you can also suddenly experience a recurrence of your health problems, which makes you realize how much the changes in diet are helping you!

On my website article on this same topic, I have a chart listing acid & alkalizing foods that can help you decide what types of foods you could be eating more of.

A raw food diet is very alkalizing.

If you'd like to learn more about reiki & chakras, I offer distance learning (not for attuning students for reiki, but for all the additional learning that I teach my students)  Course work is posted on my forum. Much more info on my website. 

Or sign up her for the 8 month herbal, other herbal workshops held online, and reiki & chakra healing workshops:
