Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cleansing Manual: Detox Manual $10

Dragonfly Herbals Cleansing Manual $10, as a .pdf attachment, available for sale on my website

This is a 17 page manual explaining how to design your own cleanse. It covers:

What is cleansing?
Nutritional choices during cleansing.
What is fasting?
What type of cleanse is best for me?
Why health food store cleanses are harmful.
How long to cleanse, how to break a cleanse.
Bowel cleansing.
3 day outline for food choices during a cleanse.
Specific food choices for cleansing.
What NOT to eat.
Herbs & supplements for cleansing.
Recipes: shake, raw crackers, almond milk, raw cereal.

I am offering a workshop on my forum that will cover all of this & you will have an opportunity to ask questions if you are not familiar with doing a cleanse.

If you are interested in the workshop online, please register on my forum:


If you'd like to learn more about medicinal uses of herbs to use on yourself, friend, family, pets, or clients, take my 8 month distance learning herbalist course. Course work is posted on my forum. Much more info on my website. 

Or sign up her for the 8 month herbal, other herbal workshops held online, and reiki & chakra healing workshops: