Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Healthy drinking water, part 1

Vibrational essences, & charging your drinking water

The importance of drinking pure water.

(some of this is from Gabriel Cousens book called  Spiritual Nutrition)

We should drink enough pure water every day. Herbals teas & veg & fruit juices are separate from this.

Over 70% of our body is water, and we need clean water every day to rejuvenate our system and flush out toxins. Water is the foundation of our health

Water is like a solvent to eliminate toxins from the body.


Tap water or city water contains contaminants.

One of the most talked about contaminants in our drinking water is chlorine, a necessary disinfectant used to kill harmful, disease-causing bacteria. Unfortunately, chlorine combines easily with other chemicals and naturally occurring organic material to form many carcinogenic substances. An example of this is trihalomethanes (THMs), which are associated with rectal, bladder and pancreatic cancers, and may cause damage to the nervous system. Chlorine has also been linked to heart attacks, strokes, premature senility and sexual impotency. When you think about it, the purpose of chlorine is to kill living organisms; as far as I know we are all living organisms! Even in small amounts, taken daily this poison builds up in our systems and causes harm.

We also need to be concerned about microbiological threats. Traditional water purification measures are ineffective against many waterborne diseases, especially some virulent newcomers. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has actually issued several warnings in recent years to people who are aged or suffering from immune deficiency disorders not to drink tap water, because their bodies are not strong enough to fight off waterborne infections.

Flouride is a common additive to your water supply, and ingredient in the toothpaste you and your children use may be contributing to the increased rates of hypothyroidism -- and other health concerns without improving dental health


Flouride atrophies the pineal gland. I have read this in books & online.

The Pineal Gland is about the size of a pea, and is in the center of the brain It produces melatonin, so it affects our wake/sleep cycles.

it is associated with the sixth chakra whose awakening is linked to prophecy and and increased psychic awareness as consciousness ascends.

The pineal gland is activated by Light, and it controls the various bio-rhythms of the body. It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland which directs the body's thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock that determines our aging process\

Considered the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy available to humans, the pineal gland has always been important in initiating supernatural powers. Development of psychic talents has been closely associated with this organ of higher vision.

Make sure to ask your dentist & dental hygenist not to use fluoride.

More info:
excerpts from:
The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland
By Jennifer Anne Luke, 1997
A dissertation submitted to the School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
She wrote 300 pages in total.

David Wilcock (youtube) has lots of info on the pineal gland.

more on healthy drinking water in a few days.

This is material from my Herbalist Course from 2010:

I am currently offering my 8 month herbalist course as distance learning on my forum:

There's full information on my website on this course.