Sunday, June 20, 2010
seichim reiki
Seichim Reiki
I just added this information to my website, and thought I'd add it here too.
A group of us have been working with Seichim reiki since 2008. The energies are very different than Usui reiki. My feeling is that Usui reiki is a fixed set of energies. These vibrations (Usui reiki) offer everyone a way to start with channelling energy. All of my students begin with Usui reiki level 1.
After level 1 Usui reiki you can start getting Seichim attunements if you feel ready for something different. There are additional symbols given with Seichim.
Seichim seems to open a person up to whatever energies are currently coming to earth at this time. That would be whatever energies you are ready to tap into as well.
I work with a group of reiki masters, we get together every few months & re-attune each other to level 7 of Seichim. Seichim has never felt ‘finished’ to me, it seems new & different each time.
Remember all attunements, of any type of reiki, open a person up to channel energy, they release what no longer serves them, but also offer personal growth.
I have found Seichim to be different every time I have been attuned. Quite often a Seichim attunement brings about a time of creativity, whether that is being creative with doing some form of writing or artwork, cooking, news ways of doing things, whatever type of creativity calls to you.
Seichim attunements are given 1 on 1, there are 7 levels. You can work with the first 6 levels, and get your 7th level after your Usui Master class.
Seichim attunements are given with the student on the reiki table, and usually take ½ hour or so.
During these attunements your energy field is opened up to the Seichim energy stream. Your chakras are opened & balanced, your heart chakra opens, and your energy field is knit back together. This heals any tears & imbalances in the energy field, & helps you be grounded in your own energy, less permeable to other’s energies fields & /or negativity.