My forum is all set up to begin reiki & herbal workshops online.
How to determine the right plants for your constitution. And with a specific formula you only need to take a couple drops of tincture at a time. You go through waaay less tinctures this way.
COST IS $20 to get access this workshop.
Teaching portion will begin Jan. 8, I will be giving lessons & input for the month of January, but this workshop will be available for several months after.
Just to clarify how this works, you can pay for the online workshops for reiki or herbals after you register on the forum. Let me know which one you want me to invoice you for & I will send a Paypal invoice by email. You don't need an account with them, its really simple, I've used this service for years.
Then I will post portions of the workshop several times during the month. You can access & print this info at any time to read it & make some of the remedies if you want to. You can post questions & comments at any time and I will be there to answer them.
Read more:
BORAGE (not for pain relief, just seemed like a nice
picture for January!) Borage is for your adrenals, to boost your spirits
when you have been stressed out. I grow this in my garden & it
reseeds every year. I usually just eat some of its fuzzy blossoms
each day.
If you'd like to get on my mailing list please go to my website.