Thursday, July 5, 2012

21 day attunement challenge, DAY 9

Well, I have sat down quite a few times with the intention of writing more about these daily attunements. All I can say is that the process transcends words. I have given/received 3 attunements per day for the last 8 days. It has moved so far beyond what I can describe....

All of us taking part are keeping journal records daily of our experiences.

And the support & daily insights during short discussions before attunements have been wonderful. So nice to have a daily spiritual practice & also daily discussion with reiki friends to help find balance & focus in our lives.

I know this will be a lifelong practice for me to do this practice.

That's all I am going to write for now. Possibly in a few days I will be in a space of finding words to describe this experience, or maybe its just not necessary to write it, maybe its just all about experiencing it.

If any of you would like to join in, you can do so at any time.
It can be a daily practice for 21 days $100. It takes about 15 min per day on skype.
Or we can do once a week @ $20 per. Or as often as you feel you'd like to be working with this.