Thursday, October 5, 2017

What is reiki? What is BEYOND Reiki ... heheh....

What is reiki ?

reiki is easy to learn

reiki is easy to channel from getting an attunement

reiki is easy to do

reiki is always with you

reiki is empowering for healing yourself

reiki is for healing others

reiki is for healing your pets

reiki is for sending distance healing

reiki is for healing your past, present and future

reiki is all about personal growth


heheh..... That's what my students call it. When we work through the
apprenticeship we definitely move 
BEYOND REIKI, into sacred geometry, some shamanic type work,
deeper into intuitive skills & connecting with guides &
teachers & their wisdom.   Once my students are thoroughly
grounded in
the basic levels of reiki, its time to safely move beyond,
and really reconnect with higher vibrations
that are around us. This next apprenticeship section
 Streaming the Living Light of Seichim will
begin to open this up for you.
web of life